As a practice we must comply with the Data Protection Act.
This means that we must ensure a strict adherence to the rule of medical confidentiality. We are not being obstructive when we say that we cannot provide any information, results or tests etc to anyone other than the patient in question without the appropriate authority – signed declaration.
The practice is fully computerised which improves the efficiency and service we can offer you. All information is completely confidential and secure and the practice is registered under the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act.
Information will only be shared with those who are involved in your medical care; this could include District Nurses, Health Visitors, Midwives and other healthcare professionals.
Information for other parties such as Insurance Companies, Solicitors or Employers will only be given on receipt of your written consent.
You have the right to view any such report and this should be indicated at the time of your consent.
You may also view your medical records by special appointment only. Should you wish to do this, you must provide the practice with a written request. Where copy records are required a fee will be payable in which will not exceed £50.
Only those NHS staff that need to, can access your information. NHS staff is bound by the NHS Confidentiality Code of Conduct – Professional Codes of Conduct and the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality. All staff has requirements in their contracts of employment that require them to maintain confidentiality.
You can request that we do not share your medical data with other staff or parts of the NHS but this may affect the treatment you are given.
Do not ask for information about anyone other than yourself.
Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.
We only ever pass on information about you, if people have genuine need for it and if it is in yours and everyone’s best interest. For instance, if you suffer from a chronic condition.